Linggo, Enero 19, 2014

Give Him the credits that He well deserve -- without Him, we're nothing

But the Lord says, “Can an ax claim to be greater than the one who uses it? Is a saw more important than the one who saws with it? A club doesn’t lift up a person; a person lifts up a club.”

Isaiah 10:15

Whenever we are taking so much pride in things that we succeed at doing, we are inviting the tendencies to be proud, to boast of what we can do, to compare, to look on ourselves as higher form of being than any of our kinds. I’m not telling that all people who have gained success or excel in what they do became a lot like this but let’s accept it to ourselves that there is really this kind of exalted effect that praises and compliments have on us. Whenever we are getting boastful we are starting to claim all the credits to ourselves when in truth we couldn’t have done it if not for the Lord’s will and guidance. Yes, my friend, we often forget ourselves and sink to the idea that we are the one who brought ourselves such success, that we’re the unbeatable, we’re the champion, we’re worth all the millions admirations and praises – the truth is we’re just nothing but we’re only made great by Lord our God who loves us so much. Let’s not take away the credits that our Lord deserves for making our life wonderful. Let’s be proud of our life’s success to glorify the Lord and not ourselves, and more importantly let’s not hesitate to share to others everything that we have.

Oftentimes, successful people tend to look on others as lazy, unmotivated, weaklings poor who brought to their own selves such miserable status. “They’re not trying hard,” “They don’t have ambitions to motivate them,” “They’re lazy” – such and other kinds of judging phrases are what we often hear to some rich people who rant about the poor. Maybe that what they are saying are true BUT again who are we to judge the others – do we know the real story, are we there when they were born on Earth, do we know the history of their family, do we know that person and every details about him? No, only God does so only God has the rights to judge a person because He knows each of us very well that even the hairs on our head are numbered.

Also we often hear it to some especially to those who have successfully made it from having nothing to having almost everything. They are ranting about how they have strive hard enough in life, how they have invested sweat and blood just to gain all their riches so why can’t the others do the same to elevate their status in life. The thing is, not everyone is getting the same opportunities that you have so you are still not in the position to judge that they are not trying hard in life. You may have worked hard for what you have now but you wouldn’t be able to make it that far if God didn’t allow it. There are some who are trying harder than you did but still not getting what they want, it’s not because their faith is failing or God didn’t love them but because God has better plan for them more than the material wealth. Thus, if God allowed you to earn and gain those riches that you have now, be thankful and glorify His name. More importantly do not judge the others for who they are and help the needy by all possible means.

An ax is a fierce tool that can cut and chop the strongest of wood but the ax is useless without the one who holds it. Likewise with the saw and club thus, we must stay humble and never let ourselves drown on the successes that we are achieving in life. Success is sweet but once you let yourselves be proud about it, things will all turn bitter. Stay humble and kind and you will be blessed more than what you are praying for. 

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