Lunes, Enero 27, 2014

Jesus is the Bread of Life

We eat foods to fill our hungry stomach and drink waters to quench our thirst. Food and water are among the basic necessities of human to survive the life on Earth, thus we have been working hard every day to provide these needs. You often hear it to most workaholic persons that their foremost reason for working more than eight hours day and including even the Saturdays and Sundays is to put foods on the table. We stuff our belly with sumptuous meals from feast and drown ourselves in various beverages. There is nothing wrong with this brothers and sisters. In fact, God wants us to enjoy life that is why He’s been gracious to provide all our needs. Feasting and revelries are good activities because through such things we are glorifying Him who has given all those foods and drinks that are laid on the table. But let’s not overdo things and forget the right thinking and manner over such things that we acquire here on Earth. Foods and drinks fill our body and give us strength but it can never give us an eternal life. But there’s a food that does – the bread of life, Jesus.

In John 6:27, the scripture says, “Do not work for food that spoils; instead, work for the food that lasts for eternal life. This is the food which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father, has put his mark of approval on him.”

Jesus is referring to himself as the food that lasts for eternal life because He is our salvation. In today’s time, many are suffering from hunger. This kind of hunger is not the physical starvation but the famine of the soul. Jesus is teaching us to work for the food that will give us the everlasting life. When we eat the bread of life we are strengthening our soul which would make us last forever. The scripture is not saying that you should resign from your current job now and refrain from working but instead, it is only saying that you should know better than to focus much of your time and energy to things that only make you lasts for certain number of years. Wealth will give you good life on Earth, but you’ll soon get old and die. In the judgment day the living will be gathered and the dead will rise to life and they will all be judged according to how they had lived their life. While you assured a better life for yourself on Earth, you should assure all the more a better life beyond death.

John 6:28-29 So they asked him, “What can we do in order to do what God wants us to do?” Jesus answered, “What God wants you to do is to believe in the one He sent.

What God wants to do sounds simple and plain, but we people finds it difficult to establish our faith. Because as we grow more rational we are affected by certain things and events and we learn to always look for concrete evidence of truth before we believe. God knows this of course, thus He gave us the Holy Book, the bible to where we can feed our soul with the Words of God. Because the Words is Jesus, He is the Messiah and Jesus is the bread of life. The truth is laid there inside the bible, all we need is the wisdom and the will to read it and understand its message. Read it and understand it, because in understanding comes respect and love. You can’t love someone you didn’t know but the spreading of the Good News is all enough for you to ponder things through and get yourself all the more curious to know about it. Who wouldn't want to be saved?The Good News is there is a Salvation and Jesus is our Salvation. Get to know Him deeper, Communicate with Him, Accept Him – once you do, there’s no way that you can’t love Him after you’ve learned everything that He has done just To Save You.

God wants us to believe in the One He sent us and by doing so, believing in Jesus means accepting Him in our lives, in our Hearts. With Jesus living in us, we are living the life according to His teaching. Jesus is sent here on Earth to teach us and most of all to save us and give us eternal life. Living the life according to God’s will is living the life according to the sample and teaching of Jesus, the One that God sent. Let’s eat the bread of life brothers and sisters and let Jesus lives within us. Amen. 

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