Sabado, Pebrero 15, 2014

Spread the Love!

Love! Love! Love! Yesterday we celebrated the Valentine’s Day and there were lots of sweetness and cheesiness in the air. Until now hangover of yesterday’s event can still be felt over the social media as people keep posting roses, chocolates and other valentine’s stuffs given to them by their loved ones. Your Facebook and Twitter homepage are filled with photos of couples on their Valentines date – so cute and sweet. Seeing the love everywhere make the world a happy place!

But not all people are seemed to be happy about celebrating the Valentines’ Day. There were some who posted instead some bitter quotes or comments that were making fun of the celebration. Why? Because some of them still feel the heartbreaks that keep giving them pain while others are still waiting for that one true love to come into their lives.

But how could we really know if it’s the one true and righteous love? What is the perfect definition of love? And how can we show and express it in the most honest way? The answers, brothers and sisters are written down in the Bible.

Loving makes the world a happy place but an unguided love can cause so much pain to us. Oftentimes we are deceived by various emotions or feelings, seeing it and thinking of it as Love but we wonder in the end why it has broken our heart and wreck our lives. Then we ask ourselves what have we done wrong when all we did is to love? Isn’t love a beautiful thing? Isn’t love makes the world a colourful place? Yes it is. But beyond that, love has a wider and more significant definition. It is written in the scripture.

Jesus has given us the new commandment to guide us and be an everyday basis of our living:

"And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples." ~ John 13:34-35

Spreading love is a good thing because by doing so we become Jesus’ disciple. But there is one thing that Jesus says on how we should love one another – and that is by the way that he has loved us. Jesus’ love is the blueprint of love that we must practice in our lives because that love is certainly pure, sincere and true. Jesus says, “Love one another” therefore it doesn’t only confine to your family or closed friends but also include all the people around you. You can show your love not only through romantic things but also through showing compassion and sincerity; through giving respect; and through understanding.

To make us understand more the concept of love, the bible has given us one of the most beautiful definitions of it.

"Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud, love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail." ~ 1 Corinthian 13:4-7

True love is just as exactly as that. Nothing is written about love being painless but in loving truly and sincerely it will be all worth it. Because with true love, we become able to do great things; and we become a better person than we were yesterday. We get to straighten our path and perform only the righteous thing. In true love, we get to live in the way of our Lord Jesus Christ -- and that is the greatest achievement that everyone of us should strive aiming for. Let Jesus live in our hearts so our hearts can be healed from all heartbreaks, bitterness and any sort of wounds. With our hearts healthier and stronger, we get  to gain wisdom and strength to find that true love that we've been looking for, we get to endure anything and everything just to make that true love survive the challenges and test of time, we get to spread love and happiness wherever we may go. 

Let’s all be guided by what the Holy Bible says about love. Let’s keep it in mind and plant it in our heart. More importantly, let’s practice it at every minute and second of our lives.  Love is not just for couples but it's for everyone to feel and share! Let's spread the Love everyday my friends! Let's fill the air with its heavenly scent and breathe it with all happiness. 

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