Martes, Marso 10, 2015

Just come and make your presence felt; it's all that He asked of you.

I live in Quezon City; but every March of the year I travelled to Taguig to rehearse for SADTC’s (St. Anne Dance & Theatre Co.) “Daan ng Dalamhati.” It’s a holy week presentation of Jesus’ way to the cross. “Daan ng Dalamhati” is a combination of songs, dances, and skit that lead everyone to contemplate on each station.

I used to perform in the theatre shows of Action-ARNAI, thus when they first invited me last year to take part in SADTC’s (same people composed the two groups) “Daan ng Dalamhati” I answered “Yes” right away. When they asked me last month if I’d be joining again this year I only let 2 seconds passed before I gave my YES! I was asked to take part on this annual performance for Jesus Christ; who am I to refuse this great privilege? I was called to perform; who am I to not heed? All through the year I lived a grace-filled life; who am I to not give back to Him?

The people in Action-ARNAI/SADTC are all good and talented people. I love them and they love me more than twice in return. Sometimes I wonder why they are so nice to me. What have I done to deserve such kind of treatment? When I arrived they would all greet me with wide grin on their faces, “Hi tiyang (they really mean ate Uel),” – okay, they may be a little naughty, for teasing me tiyang though I’m not yet that old to be called as such but they are good-hearted and jolly people. Their dedication to their craft and to their service to the Lord is incomparable. Last year when Tita Bunny first asked me she also added, “Uel, sali ka sa Daan ng Dalamhati namin, para lalo ka pang ma-bless.” You see how generous and thoughtful they are?! They want to extend the blessings to the other people like me. They want me to receive even more blessings too!

The preparation for “Daan ng Dalamhati” usually takes 1-2 month. Rehearsal is almost every night from 7PM to 11PM. This is a community project so unlike any other theatrical performances, this one has no compensation; a labour of love. You are performing not merely for the passion but for your love to God. I live in QC so I travel at 4 or 5PM to get there on time. It takes me one tricycle, three jeepneys, and one MRT ride for one way trip so just double the numbers and those are the rides I take in all. Rehearsal ended at 11PM. I’d start to travel home around 11:30PM and I’ll reach home at 1:30 to 2AM. The kinds of dances we do here in DnD are contemporary and extensive dances; limbs are stretched, skins are sometimes bruised, and bones are challenged. I can say “No” to them since I have a church near us where I also serve in ministry but why do I still take these extra sacrifices? One night, Tita Rolly told us to not look at DnD as penitential act but rather as devotion. Even so, why make myself endure the hassle of rush hours and late-night wakefulness? The answer: because even if I multiply this act 2 or 3 times more, it’s still nothing compared to what the Lord has done for me. He gave up His only son to wash away my sins. Jesus died for me. That’s too much to ask but Jesus took all the beating and persecution, because He loves me. The Father and Son love me.

Every time I attend a rehearsal, a dinner would be served. Before I go they would provide me a transportation fare. Last time Tita Nina gave me a new Jazz Shoes. A dancing Jazz shoes – I’ve been a dancer for more than five years now but never did I have a Jazz shoes! Just imagine how my heart jumped in so much joy. Sometimes I’m already feeling embarrassed because they’ve been treating me special; so special that I don’t feel like I deserve any of it.I feel ashamed of myself because at some point there were those times that I became greed and insensitive of other people's need. Yet, here are great people from SADTC, treating me nicely and kindly; here I am receiving so much grace. I came to realize one thing: I just need to attend and give time and they will take care of the rest -- food, transpo allowance, etc. My presence is all that matters. At that moment I suddenly heard the voice of the Lord, “Uel, I’ll take care of everything that you need. Just come. Because your presence matters to me. I want to see you using that gift that I gave you. I'd be happy to watch you perform.” 

In another moment of our lives, the Lord will say to us the same lines. "Come to me. Just come", "Use your gift child. I'm proud of you", "Your presence matters". All that He asked of us is to come and make our presence felt. He will provide all the rest that we need -- a shower of blessings and grace. All that we just need to do is come to Him. Just come to Him.


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